In 1890 Thomas Edison founded his company Edison general electric at the same time a rival company emerged it proved difficult for both rivals to dominate the market so in 1892 the two companies merged this new organisation was called the general electric company.
GE through the coming years have built a diverse portfolio of business, aircraft engines and other electronic equipment. GE refrigeration products are a premium brand built on good solid engineering and are reliable without any major problems experienced by its customers.
General electric fridge/freezer not working
is a real problem and finding someone qualified for such a prestige brand can prove to be difficult our manufacturer approved and trained ge fridge repair engineer understand how your ge fridge works and are equipped to diagnose all the electronic components in your ge refrigerator and certified in the handling and repair of your refrigeration system if the need arises.
Common faults:
No water or ice - noise
- Not cold or no cooling - water leaking.
Contact: Glen Scotland